Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Conversation Between Two of Joe Biden’s Hair Plugs

Joel: Morning, Johnny.

Johnny: Hi, Joel

Joel (somewhat nervously): So, what did you think of Sarah Palin’s speech last night?

Johnny: Man, I could actually feel myself working loose from Joe’s scalp.

Joel: You, too?

Johnny: Yeah. And look at Jonah over there. See how he’s been slicked down?

Joel: He sure has been. What happened?

Johnny: When Sarah said that John McCain was the only candidate in this election who has actually fought for the people, he stood straight up on end; I mean, straight up.

Joel: Whew! I bet that was rough. (Suddenly noticing an ominous bare patch) Say, what happened to Jimmy?

Johnny: He…he fell out.

Joel: What?!?

Johnny: Yep; Joe found him nestled in the bottom of his hat this morning, like a dead lab mouse. A total loss.

Joel (in a subdued tone of voice): Jeez, man, what a way to go. So, who gets the comb-over?

Johnny: Well, I think Joe’s going to let everybody settle down first, then I suppose Jarvis over there will get the call.

Joel: Hm. Well, he’s a good plug; a transplant from one of Andrew Sullivan’s buttocks, I hear.

Johnny: Yeah; a real bitter-ender. He ought to be able to hang tough. (In a low voice) Listen, though. Just to be on the safe side, don’t mention the debate.

Joel: What debate?

Johnny: Joe’s going to have to debate Palin.

Joel: Wha…? Oh!...Oh!

Johnny: Joel! What’s wrong?

Joel: I’m working loose again! Johnny, my roots are giving way! Quick! Let’s interlock hairs! ( It’s too late; Joel slides off of Biden’s head to the floor).

Johnny (Sadly musing to himself): Damn! Another great hair plug destined for the dust bin of history.


Anonymous said...

Too bad those hair plugs don't have a bunker to retreat into, like those terrorists Jules used to interview.

Or......does a bunker mentality count????

Anonymous said...

Great job!
Funny stuff!

Paco said...

Welcome, Ted!

Ladies and gentlemen, that would be none other than Ted Wallace of the fabulous Scribbler's Pen.