Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Like "Chopsticks" Played on a Cathedral Organ

Some terrific speeches at the Republican convention tonight. Too bad they'll never be able to match the peerless oratory of The One.


Minicapt said...

He needs to get a refund from the Rev wRight for those elocution lessons way back when.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't even a good rendition of Chopsticks.


WV: lwwct = lightweight?

Anonymous said...

I'm no Democrat supporter but I really thought the whole Republican party convention has been flat. The TV may not be the best medium for these events but the general crowd atmosphere, Thompson's speech and then Liebemann (sic) lacked punch.

Bush and his wife were good and I can't wait for McCain and Palin. Mehaul

Paco said...

Mehaul: I thought Fred's speech was great, particularly the long section where he was describing McCain's heroism as a POW - not just in a general way, but with all the harrowing details. The camera shots of the crowd indicated that the delegates were really concentrating on Fred's recounting of the torture and McCain's dogged determination to stay hopeful. Inevitably, the old expression, "You couldv'e heard a pin drop" comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Teleprompter, STAT!

Paco said...

Yo, welcome Infidel Tiger! I'm glad you're not the one Putin bagged.

Anonymous said...

Great to be here Paco! Finally getting around to checking out some of the off-shoots from Blairistan. This place has a nice vibe. Think I'll stay for a drink.

Back on topic - Laura Bush is one classy lady. Wish we'd seen more of her in the last 8 years. As for the difference between the conventions - I think they've been the perfect reflection of the difference between the parties. Glitz and glamour vs. Substance and seriousness. I'm in awe of J.S McCain story.

kc said...

Wondered where you'd gone to, Infidel Tiger, good to see you here. Paco keeps a somewhat tidy, amusing, well-read bunch of commenters around, & I think you'll enjoy it. Have you seen his Friday Happy Feet? A MOST excellent part of the week!

RR Ryan said...

Paco: I agree about Fred's speech. I caught the beginning of it with a friend on our way out for drinks. We stayed and watched the whole thing and thought it was especially effective. But then we both like Fred.

Anonymous said...

Paco. That's great if it worked for you. Maybe it's a distance thing. I thought he was too stop start and would have looked back at his performance and thought 'I could have done better'. But I don't know him and you do.

But I've got to tell you. I went pubescent today when witnessing Palin's speech.

I can't remember when I last felt so enthralled by someone's everything. Her message, her words, her intonations, her total control of why she was there was something I haven't experienced before.

If the American public don't embrace this girl and her 'chooser' then c'est la vie. Mehaul