Monday, October 13, 2008

Sweden Declares War on U.S.

Paul Krugman wins Nobel Prize in Economics. Krugman, a columnist for the New York Times, has been wrong so often that Donald Luskin created a truth squad to call him on his BS ( see here for the truth squad archives).

Jules Crittenden has more.


Anonymous said...

Not quite, Paco, though the timing may be politically motivated.

Krugman the economist has apparently made a significant contrib to our understanding of how 'economies of scale' change at a global level. For example Sweden makes excellent cars, why do they also import them?

As with Chomsky, the sober (?) theorist is also a raving populist, and apparently his popular statements contradict his sober theorising to some extent.

Plato was wrong, philosophers do not make good kings (listening US voters?).

Perhaps what we need is (hate to say it) something like the caste system: warriors rule, philosophers advise, businessmen business, workers work. Workers and businessmen ought to know they should vote for pragmatic aggressive warriors (traditionally in India, only the King could hunt!). If they instead vote for philosophers they are nuts.

Anonymous said...

You mean Paul Krugman, former Enron advisor? The guy who predicted the last nine out of none recessions?

Paco said...

Well, I ain't about to read his award-winning thoughts on economics to find out, so I reckon we'll just have to take the word of the Nobel boys. And as to why Swedes import cars, that's easy; you can't get a chopped '49 Mercury in Sweden unless you import it.

RebeccaH said...

Let the Swedes declare war on us. What are they going to throw at us? Meatballs? And we've already stolen the secret to building saunas, so what else do we need from them?

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I was thinking more like Swedish models, not Swedish meatballs. I'd surrender in a heartbeat, Geneva Convention or not.

Minicapt said...

2. Ranger Assault Weapon.
3. Flight Control Software from the SAAB J39 Gripen.
4. Jeff, of course, was deliberately overlooking Mrs Tiger Woods.


kc said...

Wasn't there a Swedish Bikini team around a few years back, too? Not that that would be a major contribution, but still...some might think it so?

Minicapt said...



Anonymous said...

The only worthwhile Nobel Prize is Physics; then Chemistry then Medicine. Real prizes. Economics & "Peace" NOT.