Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sunday Funnies

Courtesy of Jules Crittenden, men, I welcome you to the dog house. Every guy's gonna wind up there sooner or later (whether it's just an occasional overnight stay, or 20 years hard time).

Also, via Spot the Dog at Tizona, comes news of a tragic loss at sea.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why anyone would want an inflatable Berkeley City Council Member, let alone thousands of them... but shipping them to Oz is a good idea.

RebeccaH said...

I never understood the doghouse concept. I mean, you can't abuse them continually when they're way out there in a doghouse. ??

As for the lost... um... I'm still waiting for the answer to my inquiry on these gel packs, Mr. CEO Paco.

missred said...

too bad the "boobies" weren't members of greenpeace
>impish yet innocent grin<