Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Stimulus “Growth” Sectors

According to this Yahoo news story, the six fields that will benefit most from the stimulust™ bill are construction, the “green sector”, medical information technology, education, energy and utilities and – but of course! – the federal government. “A $787 billion package doesn't just administer itself. There will be openings for more lawyers, regulators, accountants, and administrators to ensure all of the dollars go where they're intended.” You know, to more lawyers, regulators, accountants, and administrators.


Zardoz said...

I blame it on my bifocals but I read it as:

“and – but of course! – the FERAL government.”

Emil Minty would be so proud.

richard mcenroe said...

IOW, big donors see big bux...

Anonymous said...

I saw a headline a few days ago, something like "The one city in America with no recession." Fool that I am I thought Indiannapolis or Eay Claire Wisconsin or some such but of course, it was Washington D.C.

Paco said...

Anonymous: Of course! Washington is the most recession-proof city in America.

Minicapt said...

Generally, the Recession is at the end of the service; we are at present working on the Procession.


Anonymous said...

The federal government is a "field"? Maybe if it's full of manure. Otherwise, it's mostly overhead.