Friday, September 11, 2009


Looks like the folks who suckered ACORN into advocating breaking the law may be in trouble with the law, themselves (Yeah, that seems about right; enterprising citizen journalists trick ACORN idiots into admitting that they're willing to violate the law, and the Maryland State Attorney mulls over prosecuting...the citizen journalists).

The Paco Command Center - located in Virginia - hereby offers sanctuary to O'Keefe and Giles.


RebeccaH said...

Somehow, given the direction this country has taken, that doesn't surprise me. OTOH, such a move would put O'Keefe and Giles squarely in the MSM spotlight, which means even more bad news for ACORN. Once the Obama drones ponder that, I bet the "mulling over prosecution" will quietly disappear.

Paco said...

Rebecca: Whatever happens, it looks like O'Keefe and Giles have already scored a victory, since ACORN has been dropped as official census takers.

Am I being overly optimistic, or are people on the Right getting smarter about guerilla warfare?

Steve Burri said...

Hey, Paco,

When I get in trouble with my wife can I take sanctuary at La Casa de Paco?

Zardoz said...

Your offer doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Ms. Giles is smokin' hot, does it?

Yeah, didn't think so......

Paco said...

Zardoz: Why, you cut me to the quick! I am motivated exclusively by, er, humanitarian impulses.

Steve: Sure, dude! I take the big, broad view of humanitarianism.

JeffS said...

I agree with you, Rebecca, but the Baltimore City State Attorney appears to be a partisan Dhimmicrat hack known to hump Obama's leg.

Patricia Jessamy looks to be partisan enough to consider such a prosecution, and is probably so besotted with Obama as to be stupid enough to attempt it.

But it would be a publicity nightmare for all concerned. I suspect that this is a knee jerk reaction from Jessamy (feel free to delete "knee"), and possibly an attempt to intimidate others from pulling the same stunt.

Her only problems:

(1) She has to squeeze the trigger on O'Keefe and Giles for that to work. Elsewhile, it's only hot air.

(2) ACORN has offices all around the country. She can't stop everyone, as much as I'm sure she'd like to try.

Paco, I can offer some logistical support should the citizen journalists move in with you. I can send some games so that everyone can pass the time during this drama. Parchesi, Risk, checkers, chess, and so on. All good, wholesome games that Mrs. Paco would heartily endorse. I'm sure Miss Giles will be an able opponent.

Or you could ask her for self-defense lessons. Stacy McCain mentioned something about her being a black belt in some form of martial arts.

Yojimbo said...

ACORN not doing the census will, of course, mean that they will not need all of those funds that this congress has alloted them. Right?

Yeah, I know the answer.

mojo said...

The Maryland AG's jurisdiction stops at the state line. No judge in their right mind is going to sign off on an extradition request, and no other state is likely to accede even if they did.

Besides which, wasn't there a decision that the right to privacy doesn't cover criminal acts?

JeffS said...

Good point, mojo. We'll have to wait and see what this tool of a "State Attorney" actually decides, but I'm leaning more and more towards Rebecca's conclusion that the "mulling over prosecution" will quietly disappear.