Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If You Can’t Sway ‘Em Based on the Merits…

…then dazzle ‘em with contrived photo ops. The White House handed out white lab coats to the doctors who showed up at a rally for ObamaCare yesterday.

So, if the president ultimately listens to the Biden camp on Afghanistan, is he going to trot Joe and his merry band of civilian advisors in front of the cameras decked out like an old-school South American military junta?

Update: Are We Lumberjacks? has an even more devastating photo.


Isophorone said...

"Zoon, my dahlink, you vill be ze bride of ze health care plan!"

Paco said...


kc said...

If you can't convince 'em with candor, fercryinoutloud, ya gotta baffle 'em with bullsh*t.

Ain't nobody knows bullsh*t like a lifelong politician.

RebeccaH said...

We truly are in the hands of one-third of the Stooges. The other two are in Congress (ahem... Nancy and Harry).

Paco said...

More like three hundred stooges - and at Thermopylae, too!

Anonymous said...

The scene is reminiscent of playing as a child. Obama "plays" president while the doctors "play" non-partisans.

Deborah Leigh