Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Liberals Really, Really Want To Take Our Guns Away

So badly, in fact, that Mayor Daley of Chicago even sinks to linking the rampage by Nidal Hasan - Muslim terrorist - to America's love of guns.

"Don't go pullin' none a' dat Second Amendment crap in my town, bud! Violent crime in Chicago is already pretty high; just t'ink how bad t'ings would be if all de lawr-abidin' citizens wuz packin' heat, in addition to de criminals."

Update: Priceless line from Richard McEnroe in the comments - "I blame 9/11 on our love of commercial aviation."


mojo said...

His dad woulda had more sense, or lots more muscle. One or the other, anyway. Pops was a player. This guy's a schnook.

cac said...

I'm afraid Paco that what is obvious satire in your enlightened part of the world is taken as an obvious statement of the truth here down under. We can only look on and envy.

I think the difference was well shown in some long forgotten crime novel where the policeman was trying to get one over on the crim with useful knowledge who was unfortunately not at that time in breach of the law and thus not susceptible to pressure. Our hero managed this by asking him for his shotgun licence and then overlooking absence of said item for assistance. It took me 3 reads to work out what was going on as this seemed a perfectly logical way to proceed.

JeffS said...

I see that Chicago politicians remain as classless, insensitive, and ignorant as they were twenty odd years ago, when I lived there.

Isophorone said...

We see how the Chicago mentality now occupies the White House!

richard mcenroe said...

I blame 9/11 on our love of commercial aviation.

TW: apaligst: Foster Brooks trying to describe CNN's reaction to Ft. Hood.

RebeccaH said...

And of course, the beating death of that teenager in Chicago was due to America's psychopathic fascination with boards and footwear.

Col. Milquetoast said...

And of course, the beating death of that teenager in Chicago was due to America's psychopathic fascination with boards and footwear.

Actual text of a Brady Campaign press release :
In the wake of a recent high-profile beating death of a Chicago Public School student...Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released the following statement:

"The youth violence problem in Chicago is a gun violence problem."

Does this qualify as a self-fisking press release?