Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Good-bye old government job, hello new private sector job!

I think with my experience, I'm a shoo-in for a position like this.

Totally unrelated: Cal City Chronicles solves a scientific mystery.


bingbing said...

I don't want some stranger warming my bed. Ewww.

Unless she's hot, but methinks lady bingbing wouldn't be so warm to the idea.

bingbing said...

PS I think you're a champ, PACO, but I draw the line at you warming my effing bed!

carpefraise said...

THis idea is fabulous and ridiculous at the same time. i can't wait for the Ocuupational and Health safety report!

Did they run out of hot water bottles or something? I really can't see people being pelased by a member of staff being in their room before bedtime!

carpefraise said...

Once more, in my eagerness to comment, I have displeased the Typo Gods...

richard mcenroe said...

I believe I mentioned Penelope Cruz's restraining order against me in this context, but you know what they say, third time's the charm...

Yojimbo said...

There was an addendum to that story that the editors did not want published. In the posh hotels, from Beverly Hills to the various Rivieras, these same hotels will also supply bed wetters so the kids of the uber rich don't have to.

Yojimbo said...

Pacosan: If that private employment thingy doesn't work you can always return to government employment as an agent in the Federal Agency to Resist Tobacco.

JeffS said...

Professional bedwarmers are not new to the hospitality industry, Paco, and you might be a trifle confused about that, in spite of the context in that article. The family friendly atmosphere of your blog prevents me from being specific.

But I doubt that Mrs. Paco would appreciate your switching to that particular career.

Just so y'know.


Steve Burri said...


I looked into it and they really, really frown on using bed warmers that are incontinent.


Paco said...

Steve: But...but...what if I wear a plastic cocoon?

Minicapt said...

Steve really meant your stories continue at too great a length.
