Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Global Warming? Please!

A new Gallup poll indicates that Al Gore - the Aimee Semple McPherson of the global warming movement - may need to find a new gig:
Former Vice President Al Gore's insistence on Monday that global warming was behind a spate of bad weather could fall on some very deaf ears. American's concerns over environmental worries are at the lowest level in two decades, according to a new Gallup poll.

"Many environmental issues are at a 20-year-low concern," the poll found.

It also found that public worries over eight green-related issues — from air pollution to the state of rain forests — have dropped by as much as nine percentage points in the last year alone.
Look for Gore to take up a new cause in the near future - maybe the scourge of toenail fungus or the threat from rogue asteroids.


Anonymous said...

Look Al, if you have run through the money from your last ripoff, auction off your Oscar.

To clarify I meant the statue, Al.

JeffS said...

Gorezilla would do better campaigning against hemorrhoids. Not only are those real problems for some people, it would be a fitting task for him in his declining years....considering what a pain in the butt he's been for so long.

Larry Sheldon said...

Holy cow--haven't thought about Aimee in a while. Is her Temple still in operation>

How about her radio station (forget its call sign--shared a frequency with KGIL? in a strange arrangement.

But ol' oily All will just change the labels on the snake oil and keep in harvesting the rubes.

There may not be a fool born a minute, but there are plenty to keep in is QE2-sized yachts.

Paco said...

Larry: The Temple's still there.