Monday, May 3, 2010

Titan of capitalism gets an earful

J. Packington Paco III was approached by the Obama administration in an effort to get him to lend his not inconsiderable weight to the Democrat-sponsored financial regulatory reform bill. Dismissing the administration’s request out of hand – “I’m not in the business of selling rope to Bolsheviks” – he was subjected to an intemperate tirade by Rahm Emanuel. Our cameras were there…


Yojimbo said...

I guess we all know who wound up holding the "Dingus" in that broohaha.

RebeccaH said...

And then, in sheer frustration, Rahm stepped off camera and did a pas de dieux to calm himself. It didn't work as well as he hoped, though, because he was still fully clothed.

JeffS said...

Rahm needs him some Valium, he does.