Saturday, September 10, 2011


Liberal commentator Bob Beckel just can't seem to get rid of that old Che Guevara poster. In the course of informing us about his possession of this odious item, he reveals the kind of towering ignorance that is inexcusable in a free society, where genuine facts are readily ascertainable. Humberto Fontova applies the clue-by-four. Love this line:
If Bob Beckel’s “freedom-fighter” had been allowed his fondest bit of “freedom-fighting” Bob Beckel’s incinerated remains would fit in a gin bottle today.
I'm willing to entertain the possibility that Beckel's idiocies are the result of his spending too much time getting on the outside of a gin bottle; however, I have no evidence that this is the case. My original diagnosis, therefore, remains: delerium liberalis.


richard mcenroe said...
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richard mcenroe said...

richard mcenroe said...
I think it involves a complication of prostitutio journalis falsum...

fixed a typo. Spelling fake Latin is hard...

bruce said...

Watched GodfatherII just now. Depicting fall of Cuba, yeah I take the exaggerated 'corrupt US' meme with a grain of salt.

But the Godfather, he knew what's going on.

RebeccaH said...

I take it as less delusion and more sheer malice sparked by evil. But, yeah, I like delerium liberalis.

JorgXMcKie said...

what happens to liberals when they "dry out"?