Sunday, September 25, 2011

Well, I guess it's good for the farmers

Lots of rain falling in the environs of the Paco Command Center, lately. This splendid fellow popped up practically overnight.

Not sure whether that's the eating kind of mushroom or not, but I don't intend to find out. I was just struck by the combination of colors, the bright orange against the emerald green.


bruce said...

Similar red-gold ones grow on sides of trees here, but not on the ground.

Wouldn't risk eating wild mushrooms myself either.

JeffS said...

Very pretty! And I'm pretty sure they are not edible.

Paco said...

Bruce: I've seen some similar ones growing on or near tree stumps in the back of the house, and the things actually glow in the dark.

Yojimbo said...

Glow in the dark! You've been watching too many old Boris Karloff movies again!

TRJ: Didn't a couple of residents in your neck of the woods die from eating some of those mushrooms?

RebeccaH said...

Mushrooms actually can glow in the dark. It's mostly tropical species, but rainy seasons bring them out. Maybe yours is a new species, Paco. Or maybe the mushrooms are migrating north, what with global warming and all. Heh.

Yojimbo said...

Migrating mushrooms! Next you'll be telling us birds fly back to the same missions each year.

Paco said...

Jack O'Lantern mushrooms are the ones that I was thinking about. The undersides glow in low light conditions.

Anonymous said...

Glowing mushrooms, Paco? Have the manufactuers of your smokes added a new "secret" ingredient? Thinking that that probably isn't the case, there are other scenarios. It could be that the Faerie folk have decided to move in, or the government has a new disguise for their latest surveillance...or...Oh my God! The faerie folk might have sold out!

Paco, don't touch the shrooms. They could be protected habitat.

Deborah Leigh

Minicapt said...

Worse, New Zealand:


JeffS said...

Probably, Yojimbo, but I missed in on the news. 'Shroom hunting is very popular around here, and some folks inevitably pick the wrong ones. Happens every year, it seems.

And on occasion, 'shroom hunters have been known to shoot each other for alleged incursions onto "claimed" territory.

Not that they actually own the disputed land, mind you. A lot of 'shroom hunting takes place in state and national forests. But some people are just too stupid to realize the difference.

bruce said...

Anyone else see that episode of Entourage?

Damn hilarious.