Monday, November 14, 2011

Either that, or they're trying to keep their wigs from being blown off

Barack Obama and Julia Gillard are in Hawaii for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit - which seems to include a ritual game of Simon says...

Obama: "Hah! I didn't say 'Simon says, touch your head', Julia!"


JeffS said...

Their heads, not wigs, blew off in the wind. The factory install was sub-standard.

RebeccaH said...

Obama started to raise his hand to wave in front of that guy's face, and then reconsidered when he caught the stink eye. No idea what Juliar's doing. Maybe a Kevinesque imitation?

bruce said...

"Destiny has thrown them together, two historic leaders on the world stage, having introduced painful and unpopular reforms which correct historic injustices, having to run the gauntlet of public criticism every single day, will they now...

Get a Room!?

Soon in your cinema holiday fare and news screen!..."

It's telepathy.

wv: UPHY-MODG ' Welsh headpatting secret handsignals.

richard mcenroe said...

They always had to keep a special chair handy for Obama during Musical Chairs...

El Cid said...

obama refers to Hawaii as Asia

Well, OK..I was born in New York-Asia. Raised in Florida-Asia, now reside in Tennessee-Asia.

How soon one forgets, huh?

Umm Rebecca, if Joolya was doin' A Kevni, she'd be harvestin' some good ear wax.. ;)

cac said...

Of Obama's many mistaken policies (a long list I know), the worst must surely be dispensing with the traditional photo in excrutiating faux national dress. Seeing the mighty and powerful looking uncomfortable in a Drizabone or some fashion designer's interpretation of a poncho was a highlight of my year.

Paco said...

cac: I agree completely. I do miss that particular form of comic relief.