Friday, April 6, 2012

A government as good as its people

Which must mean that a disturbingly large number of the denizens of D.C.’s 8th ward are bigoted morons.


RebeccaH said...

Well, yes. They keep electing Marion Barry, don't they?

JeffS said...

I hear that the sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" is set in D.C.'s 8th ward.

Jonah said...

"...lack of community involvement"

This needs explanation.

Is he saying Asians aren't making
reparations for slavery?

Or that they refuse to tape notices for missing children onto their windows?

Or that they house illegal Chinese slave workers in their basements instead of hiring local kids?

Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots said...
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JeffS said...

A translation for Jonah:

"The Asian community ain't dumping any money on the street so my people don't have to work."

There might be some argument about the syntax, but that's the gist of the matter