Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hey, I’m glad I don’t do this for a living

Write, that is. The pros seem to go through an awful lot of hand-wringing, angst and despair.

Me? As I’ve said before, I just want to earn enough money to buy a new hat.


richard mcenroe said...

Back in my impetchus yoot, when I sold my first short story to Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, my sister clipped a cartoon out of the paper for me.

It was a young man sitting on a curb with a tin cup full of pencils and a sign reading "Sold One Story and Excitedly Quit My Job."

Paco said...

I hope I have more sense than that (I'm going to wait until I sell my second story).

Yojimbo said...

Sometimes it just turns into a dark and stormy night where the worst of times supersedes the best of times.

RebeccaH said...

That's why you should just write what comes naturally to you, and not concentrate on some ephemeral "market" (although if you're out to make money, you can't completely ignore that). If it sells, great, if not, then you had the satisfaction of writing something that meant something to you.

I used to write stories for a select group of amateurs like myself, and I loved it, and some of my stories were quite entertaining if I do say so. But the voices in my head would never let me try it professionally. Don't listen to the voices in your head. They dine on self-confidence.

Minicapt said...

Writers are always making things up … then they write it down.
