Thursday, April 19, 2012

Workers’ Comp (Australian style)

A woman who was injured while having sex in her hotel room during a work trip is entitled to compensation.

In the Federal Court today Justice John Nicholas ruled that the woman was injured during her “course of employment”.
The woman, who cannot be named, challenged the rejection of her workers' compensation claim for facial and psychological injuries suffered when a glass light fitting came away from the wall above the bed as she was having sex in November 2007.
The male friend said in his statement at the time that they were "going hard” and he did not know if they bumped the light or it just fell off.

“I think she was on her back when it happened but I was not paying attention because we are rolling around.”


Minicapt said...

If someone were to be inspired to warble a verse of "Roll Me Over, In The Clover", meet the Lord Mayor of Sydney:


Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said...Was the sex apart of the sanctioned activities of the work trip? Probably not. So it isn't Worker's Compensation. But injuries on a company's premises would probably stand, although the hotel might have reason to counter sue for damages to said premises. I don't begrudge someone a vigorous romp, but such vigor should be reserved to the home bed where the slogan "you break it, you buy it" doesn't come with such a high price tag.

Disclaimer. No, I'm not a lawyer. And I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

bruce said...

Yeah but Clover's always been a very gay person, IYKWIMAITYT.

Sydney was taken over by Gay Irish Communists in the 1970s. I went to school with one of the leaders. All Catholics for some reason. Hmmmmm.

missred said...

oh good grief

mojo said...

Wait, she was "on the job"?

Sounds like libel.

bruce said...

Whenever I write 'Hmmmmm', think of Lurch in the Adam's Family, that low grumbling noise of disapproval he makes while shaking his head.

Paco said...

Bruce: You mean like this?

Jonah said...

Paco, you should use Lurch as your flaming skull.

Paco said...

Jonah: Great idea!