Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday funnies

Bummer. Looks like North Korea's off my vacation list this year: "North Korea cancels annual beer festival".

First time I ever heard of a prison break-in for food (H/T: Mrs. Paco).

Ah, nothing like the quiet dignity of the wedding ceremony...

Sometimes it seems as if there's a law against everything.

That's good to know...

More fun with hillary's new book (from Powerline's "The Week in Pictures"):

From the Golden Age of television, here's a bit by Sid Caesar and Howie Morris: "The German General" (stick around for the surprise ending)...


RebeccaH said...

I can't wait for the internet to start taking Hillary's book apart excuse by stupid excuse.

bruce said...

Sid Caesar had Show of Shows, from Song of Songs. Even comedy came from the Bible.

Such a talented guy, a face familiar to anyone watching early TV.